follow us on Instagram: vicaragelodge
Registered Charity No: 702025


We aim to help children become fully developed caring people, capable of working in every way to the best of their ability.
Staff meet weekly to undertake key person/curriculum planning.
By means of developmentally appropriate play activities and a high adult : child ratio we offer a balanced, flexible curriculum which provides children with opportunities to work towards the Early Years Foundation Stage:
Personal, Social and Emotional development: which focuses on children learning how to work, play, co-operate with others and function in a group beyond the family.
Communication and Language: which focuses on children’s developing competence in talking, understanding and listening.
Physical development: which focuses on children’s developing physical control, mobility, awareness of space and manipulative skills in indoor and outdoor environments.
Literacy: which focuses on children's development of reading and writing.
Mathematics: which covers aspects of mathematical understanding and provides the foundation for numeracy.
Understanding the world: which focuses of children’s developing knowledge and understanding of their environment, other people and features of the natural and made world.
Expressive Art and Design: which focuses on the development of children’s imagination and their ability to communicate and to express ideas and feelings in creative ways.
Children’s records and all details are kept safe and confidential at all times and are only accessible to Preschool staff or respective parents.
Arrangements will be made for staff and parents to meet twice a year at parent’s evenings to discuss their child’s development.
However, should any problem or query arise regarding their child, parents are welcome at any time to discuss the matter.
When a child first starts preschool they will have been designated a key person. The key person will begin to liaise with the child’s parents immediately, explaining who they are, what the key person system is and giving them an entry profile to fill in about the child.
They will monitor the settling in of the child and begin the initial assessment on entry.
It is the role of the key person to set up and keep up to date each of their children’s profiles, which they update at the end of each term.
During this time they will continuously monitor each child’s progress through daily and weekly observations, group assessment, individual assessment and feedback from weekly key person/staff meetings. This monitoring helps the key person assess individual needs of a child which they will then take forward into the planning of the curriculum.